
7 Warning Signs of Dengue Fever: Recognising the Symptoms Early


Dengue fever is caused by a virus carried by mosquitoes which gets transferred to humans through a mosquito bite.

There are two kinds of dengue fever: mild and severe. Mild dengue fever presents with a high fever and flu-like symptoms. While most cases of mild dengue fever usually recover in a week, some cases develop into severe dengue fever, which can be life-threatening.

The symptoms of dengue fever appear a few days after contracting the virus and can often be missed. Early detection and treatment of dengue fever are essential for a fast recovery.

This article discusses some early warning signs of dengue fever, its risk factors, and its diagnosis and prevention.

What is dengue fever?

Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne disease. It is transmitted through the bite of a mosquito carrying the dengue virus. Dengue fever is not contagious, i.e., it does not pass from one person to another. However, a pregnant woman with dengue fever can pass the disease on to her child.

Interestingly, four dengue viruses can cause dengue fever. Once someone gets infected by a dengue virus, they develop lifelong immunity. However, the other three viruses can still cause dengue fever.

What are the early warning signs of dengue fever?

A dengue infection often causes no symptoms. In some cases, symptoms occur four to ten days after getting bit by an infected mosquito. These early dengue symptoms can often be confused with other illnesses, like the flu.

Dengue fever usually causes a sudden high fever of up to 41 °C (106 °F), along with the following 7 early signs of dengue fever:

  1. Severe Headache
  2. Muscle, joint or bone pain
  3. Vomiting
  4. Nausea
  5. Skin rash (usually two to five days after the initial fever)
  6. Swollen glands
  7. Pain behind the eyes

Most cases of dengue fever get better within a week. In some cases, symptoms worsen, and the condition becomes life-threatening. This is called severe dengue or dengue shock syndrome.

In severe dengue, the blood vessels get damaged and start leaking. The number of platelets (blood clotting cells) in the blood reduces alarmingly. It can result in shock, internal bleeding, organ failure and death.

Symptoms of severe dengue can occur suddenly and require immediate medical attention. These warning signs of dengue fever usually occur one or two days after the fever subsides and include:

  1. Severe stomach pain and stomach tenderness
  2. Mild to severe vomiting (at least three times in 24 hours)
  3. Blood in urine, vomit or stool
  4. Bleeding from gums or nose
  5. Rapid breathing
  6. Severe fatigue
  7. Restlessness or irritability

What are the common risk factors of dengue fever?

Two factors that increase the risk of getting mild and severe dengue fever are:

  1. Living or traveling to tropical areas:

Tropical and sub-tropical areas have a high incidence of dengue fever. Hence, living or travelling there can increase the chances of catching the disease.

  1. Having a history of dengue fever:

Someone who has previously contracted dengue fever is more likely to develop severe dengue fever.

How is dengue fever diagnosed?

Dengue fever is diagnosed through blood tests. Two primary dengue tests for diagnosing a dengue virus are:

  1. Virological Test

A virological test checks for elements of a particular virus. It’s a sophisticated test that requires specialized equipment and trained technicians.

  1. Serological Test

In a serological test, the blood is tested for the presence of antibodies due to a recent infection.

How to prevent dengue fever?

Some steps can be followed to prevent dengue fever.

These include:

  1. Getting the dengue fever vaccine

Dengue fever vaccine, Dengvaxia, is approved for people aged 9 to 45 months who have had dengue fever in the past. The vaccine is administered over the course of a year in three doses.

However, the vaccine is not recommended for people who have never had dengue infection or fever.

  1. Preventing mosquito bites

Preventing mosquito bites is instrumental in preventing the spread of dengue fever. Some steps that can help control the mosquito population and avoid mosquito bites include:

  1. Staying in a well-screened house
  2. Wearing protective clothing, especially when visiting mosquito-infested areas
  3. Using mosquito repellant
  4. Reducing mosquito habitat by reducing standing water in various places around the house, such as automobile tyres, plastic containers, pet dishes, etc.

Dengue symptoms can often be missed or confused with flu. Recognizing the early warning signs of dengue fever and getting treatment is essential to avoid severe dengue fever and the associated complications.

If someone experiences any symptoms of dengue fever given here, they should consult a doctor and book a dengue fever test at Dr LalPath Labs.


  1. How long do the symptoms of mild dengue fever last?

Usually, symptoms of mild dengue fever begin four to ten days after the infection and can last for about a week.

  1. Is dengue fever contagious?

No. Dengue fever does not get transmitted through contact with an infected person.


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