
Is Type 2 Diabetes Reversible

Is Type 2 Diabetes Reversible

Diabetes is a health condition that occurs when glucose or blood sugar levels rise above normal limits. It happens when the pancreas doesn’t make sufficient insulin or the body stops responding to the effects of insulin properly. Insulin is a hormone that lets glucose enter body cells to produce energy. 

There are broadly two types of diabetes that can affect a person: type 1 and type 2 diabetes 

Type 1 diabetes is a chronic condition in which the body produces little or no insulin, resulting in high blood sugar or glucose levels.

Whereas in Type 2 diabetes, the body does produce insulin but develops insulin resistance. The body’s insulin requirement increases from what is produced, leading to a high blood sugar level.  

What is Type 2 diabetes?

Type 2 diabetes happens because of insulin resistance in the body. Due to this insulin resistance, the insulin levels drop, and the blood sugar level goes out of control. High blood sugar levels lead to many severe problems; therefore, it is necessary to keep them under check.

Here are  the type 2 diabetes symptoms to look for:

  1. Frequent urination 
  2. Feeling Dehydrated  
  3. Feeling more tired 
  4. Cuts and wounds take more time to heal 
  5. Blurry vision 
  6. Skin dryness 
  7. Feeling too hungry 
  8. Weight loss and muscle loss 

While type 2 diabetes is permanent and has no cure, it is possible to manage and reverse it. It is possible to go years without symptoms and regulate blood sugar levels.  

 Is Type 2 Diabetes Reversible? 

Type 2 diabetes is mainly associated with older people. But in recent years, many young people have also been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. So, before understanding how to reverse type 2 diabetes, it is crucial to understand its causes. The significant causes of type 2 diabetes are:

  1. Obesity 
  2. Medical history of the family 
  3. Unhealthy lifestyle 
  4. High blood pressure 
  5. Unhealthy eating habits 
  6. Stress 

Ways to Reverse Type 2 Diabetes

Making better lifestyle choices and inculcating daily exercise can not only help to prevent type 2 diabetes  but also manage it better. People with diabetes go on for years without facing any symptoms because of their healthy choices.

Here are some ways to reverse type 2 diabetes:

  1. Avoid foods that have refined carbohydrates. Choose whole foods instead. 
  2. Type 2 diabetes occurs when the body cannot process blood sugar. Consuming more sugar will elevate the high blood sugar level and increase the chances of other diseases caused by type 2 diabetes. Avoid sugar and sweet drinks to regulate the blood sugar level.
  3. Include healthy fats such as almonds, olives, peanuts, and sesame.
  4. Focus on including all the nutrients in the meal. If necessary, consult a dietician to get a proper meal plan. 
  5. If your doctor has prescribed any medicines, take them on time.
  6. Exercise daily to boost the mood and lose extra fat. Cardiac exercises like running and skipping are great for maintaining a healthy weight. Many diabetic patients lose muscles. Weight training and strength yoga can help build and strengthen muscles in the body.
  7. Maintain good gut health by including antioxidants and good bacteria in your diet. Yoghurt, green tea, seeds, and nuts contain nutrients that our body needs in trace amounts but that are necessary for a healthy gut.
  8. Stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water, as type 2 diabetes can cause dehydration. 
  9. Inculcate healthy snacks into your diet. There are many options available for diabetic patients these days. Picking up fruits like kiwi, grapefruit, watermelon, blueberries, and pineapple can be good snacking options. 
  10. Include high-quality protein and fats in your diet. A nutritious diet keeps our bodies full for longer, making us avoid unnecessary snacking. 
  11. Fasting has been proven beneficial for diabetic patients. It can help redeem your body by detoxifying it. However, you must consult a doctor to understand your unique health conditions before including any fasting in your life. 

Reversing type 2 diabetes means managing it better. Making wise choices regarding your health bears long-term benefits to your overall health and can also help control type 2 diabetes symptoms. It is important to note that type 2 diabetes is permanent. While following these steps can help keep the blood sugar level under control, always conduct regular tests to mark any spike in the blood sugar.  

Type 2 diabetes is a chronic increase in the body’s blood sugar levels because of insulin resistance. However, managing high blood sugar levels is possible by transforming our lifestyle, eating healthy, and exercising regularly. Patients with type 2 diabetes must monitor their blood sugar levels to avoid any other disease caused by it. Besides, testing your blood sugar level and getting regular diabetes tests done can help you make better decisions when it comes to your health. A healthy body is critical to a healthy life. 


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